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Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

special food especially central java Indonesia

so many delicious delicious Indonesian food.
for foreign tourists do not hesitate hesitate to travel to Indonesia. must be satisfied .... besides the beautiful nature Indonesia is also rich in culture and delicious food delicious.
following soon is typical Indonesian food. particularly in the central java

* Purwodadi: swikee, muddy rice, soy sauce, banana sale
* Banjarnegara: dawet ayu, knapsack
* Hyderabad: Lunpia / spring rolls, chicken soup, satay beef, milk presto, tripe fried rice, fried chicken soft bone palace, pia cakes, goat satay sauce seasoning, martabak Malabar, Bandung cake, tofu paste, tofu dreadlocks, wingko tripe
* Boyolali: marning (fried corn), fried lungs, Brem ivory flute stamped, crackers rambak
* Blora: Sega Pecel, Blora chicken satay, soto ayam Blora, tofu mixed
* Bradford: salted egg, mutton satay (on the Cape. Brebes until now known as onion production centers
* Demak: pugnacious tamarind rice, sambal Blimbing wuluh, kwaci (Demak once famous as a center for producing watermelons)
* Jepara: gempol ice (ice Pleret), rondo royal (tape fried), klenyem (fried grated cassava brown sugar contents), kuluban (ointment: young jackfruit, long beans and young leaves, bean sprouts / raw sprouts, raw fruit china petai) , pecel grilled sea fish with coconut sauce, shrimp kebabs, shrimp paste Jepara, tempong (blenyik) anchovy, durian Petruk
* Klaten: Kalasan fried chicken, fried duck, chips mlinjo
* Holy: chicken soup, buffalo satay, lentog, lunkhead, sacred porridge, honey mongso
* Starch: Gandul rice, chicken satay,
* Pekalongan: Gandul rice, soto tauco (tauto), rice Megono
* Pemalang: grombyang rice, rice cake dekem, satay Loso
* Purwokerto: tempe mendoan, Gethuk fries, soup sokaraja / sroto sokaraja, nopia
* Purworejo: cake lompong, clorot (such lunkhead wrapped in palm leaves in a twist), gebleg (see ge-e in words like happy and like-bleg e on the word tarnish), one cake, black dawet, Lanting
* Purbalingga: spinach salad, tofu gecot, soto kriyik, es duren, klanting
* Apex: milkfish soft spikes (in Juwana), syrup-ta kawis
* Salatiga: meatballs tendon, tripe meatballs, chips lung, ting-ting obese
* Solo: warm, lamb satay, thengkleng, srabi solo, rice liwet, timlo solo, a mixing prayer, crackers character / gendar, popular meatball the size of golf balls, tofu pickles, vegetable intercropping
* Sragen: pugnacious tamarind rice, satay Sragen,
* Sukoharjo: fried welut
* Tegal: "tea pot" (tea brewed in a small clay pot and drink with rock sugar), dry sate (satay lamb typical Tegal), duck satay majir, pilus, crackers antor, bogana rice (nasi Megono), Sauto (soto ayam / Tegal typical tripe with spices tauco). Tegal until recently known as tea production centers.
* Wonogiri: cassava, tiwul
* Wonosobo: noodles ongklok, sagon, tempeh kemul, Butterworth, wedang rounds, candied carica, mushroom chips, beef jerky obese
* Ungaran: tahubaxo, twanging sound satay, roasted crackers

I hope this info can be useful for you

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